We respond to our clients’ needs

We support private and public entities to identify, assess and evaluate current emergency needs, as well as future flood-risk mitigation strategies.

SaferPlaces - Applications - Municipalities

Municipalities and Emergency Authorities

Embark on a journey towards climate-resilient cities!

SaferPlaces equips municipalities and urban planners with precise flood risk data, empowering them to make informed decisions in urban development.
From assessing vulnerabilities to planning resilient infrastructure, our platform supports hands-on evaluation during emergencies and contributes to data-driven land-use decisions. Join us in creating a future where cities thrive in the face of climate challenges.

Rapid and accurate flood risk information is key for effective disaster preparedness. Our platform enables civil protection agencies and emergency authorities to assess and monitor risks, implement early warning systems, and plan evacuation actions. With SaferPlaces, you can enhance decision-making during emergencies and bolster post-disaster damage analysis, safeguarding communities and infrastructure.

SaferPlaces - Applications - Emergency Authorities

Case Studies

SaferPlaces Helps the Metropolitan City of Venice to Fight Pluvial Flooding

We are delighted to announce that SaferPlaces is collaborating with the Metropolitan City of Venice to develop a cutting-edge software solution aimed at enhancing early-warning capabilities for extreme weather events, specifically focusing on the acquisition and analysis of weather forecast data…

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SaferPlaces is one of ESA’s Applications for Observing the Earth in the aftermath of the Emilia-Romagna floods

Ph: ESA. The SaferPlaces platform and its application during the recent floods that hit the Italian region of Emilia-Romagna in May 2023 are the topics of the latest news from the European Space Agency (ESA), on the section "Observing the Earth". The ESA’s InCubed SaferPlaces platform was used by…

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How Satellite Images and the AI-based platform SaferPlaces supported the Civil Protection during and after the flood emergency in Emilia-Romagna

Photo by jim gade on Unsplash. SaferPlaces’ headquarters are in Emilia-Romagna and, unfortunately, our very region was affected in May 2023 by various waves of bad weather: in just under 20 days, as much rain as is usually seen in a year fell on the region, originating floodings of unprecedented…

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Rimini’s Parco del Mare and SaferPlaces in the first issue of Seascape: “EROSIONS”

Photo credits: Seascape. SaferPlaces provided its contribution for the publication of the first issue of Seascape: "EROSIONS", addressing the topic of coastal erosion in the Mediterranean basin, with a particular focus on the Italian coasts. In the second chapter, we talk about the experience with…

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Parco del Mare Rimini

Rimini and climate change: the added value of the Sea Park “Parco del Mare”

Rimini’s Sea Park “Parco del Mare”, photo source: Comune di Rimini   The City of Rimini’s Mayor, Andrea Gnassi, and the Councilor for the Environment, Anna Montini, explain in an official news release how the urban intervention named “Parco del Mare” (Italian for Sea Park) not only increases…

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SaferPlaces - Applications - Insurance Companies

Insurance Companies & Financial Institutions

Navigate the climate risk terrain with confidence!

In the insurance industry, accurate flood risk information is paramount. Our platform fills data gaps, enhances risk assessment, and improves underwriting and pricing policies. SaferPlaces overcomes data coverage limitations, supports parametric solutions, and facilitates predictive analytics. Elevate your risk management strategies, access spatial-explicit risk information, and make precise underwriting decisions with SaferPlaces.

SaferPlaces addresses the banking sector’s need for accurate flood risk assessments, portfolio optimization, and compliance. Our platform provides high-resolution flood risk intelligence, enabling enhanced risk assessment models, optimizing climate-resilient investment portfolios, and ensuring compliance through transparent reporting.

SaferPlaces - Applications - Financial Institutions
SaferPlaces - Applications - Multi-utility & Transportation Companies

Water/Energy Multiutilities, Trasportation & Real Estate Companies

Safeguard critical assets with SaferPlaces!

Multiutilities and transportation companies can rely on our platform to assess vulnerabilities, plan resilient infrastructure, and implement disaster preparedness measures. SaferPlaces supports proactive risk management, contributing to build resilience in the face of climate-related hazards. Make informed decisions to protect infrastructure and maintain essential services during flood events with SaferPlaces.

Our high-resolution flood risk intelligence allows real estate companies to make informed decisions, assess climate hazards’ impact, and enhance portfolio resilience. SaferPlaces assists in identifying and mitigating potential flood risks, contributing to the development of climate-resilient real estate strategies.

SaferPlaces - Applications - Real Estate Companies

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