We are proud to be among the four winners of the AI4EO Call, a competition launched by ESA Φ-lab in conjunction with We Make Future 2023, largest digital and social innovation festival in Southern Europe.

The competition concerned applications of artificial intelligence (AI) and data processing in aerospace and EO, and aimed to reaffirm the value of these sectors in international development and the protection of our planet. A panel consisting of ESA and industry representatives assessed all the entries based on criteria including project feasibility, degree of innovation, competitive positioning and potential for further development. SaferPlaces was among the sixteen start-ups that were shortlisted and invited to WMF23 to pitch their proposals to the panel.

We are pleased to have won the second place, grating us access to ESA business and technical coaching on EO and a subscription to the Sentinel Data Hub!

Read more on the AI4EO initiative directly from ESA Φ-lab InCubed webpage.