Photo by Dstudio Bcn on Unsplash.

Throughout October 2022, SaferPlaces is participating in different Accelerator opportunities. The first was pitching and participating in the Fin+Tech accelerator, promoted by specialists and pioneers of Fintech and Insurtech in Italy and Europe. Beside unique support during an intense 4 month program, the selected start ups will be granted an initial package of services and investments worth approximately € 150k, and the connection with a wide network of leading companies in the sector plus mentors and investors.

In addition, SaferPlaces has been invited to the Innovation Camp 2022 organized by VeniSIA under the framework of the Co-innovation program, which focuses on Climate Change and Circular Economy, and seeks entrepreneurial ideas and technological solutions to meet sustainability challenges and develop a Proof Of Concept together with Corporate Partners.

Lastly, we are among the startups that will be able to present their solution in the field of Aerospace, to gain the access to the 1st edition of Intesa Sanpaolo UP2Stars Program. The selected startups will be provided, free of charge, with a customized acceleration path and opportunities for networking and visibility to investors, venture capitalists and entrepreneurs, who are increasingly interested in technological and digital development.